Friday, September 20, 2013

Get summer ready with these diet tips!

Check out these top five tips to help you get bikini-ready this summer..

bikini body tips
It may feel as if it's never coming but, believe us, summer IS on the way. And it's time to start getting yourself ready for our fave season...
From bagging that must-have maxi to booking in your next spray tan, prepping yourself for summer can be an expensive experience. But Fiona Hunter, Nutritionist for the Simple Advisory Board, has given us her top five purse-friendly tips to help us get beach body ready this summer...
1. Tip top tummy
It’s not just about exercise. You are what you eat. Cut out sugar, booze and carbs and start taking a probiotic supplement 2 weeks before your holiday to help boost levels of friendly bacteria in your digestive system which can help reduce the dreaded bikini bloating
2. Munch on more essential fatty acids
If you look good, you feel good. Eating foods such as salmon that are bursting with omega-3 fats help improve skin elasticity and texture, strengthen brittle nails and restore overall health helping you feel and look your very best before hitting the beach
3. Yo-yo is a no no
It can be tempting to crash diet before a holiday but don’t do it. Yo-yo dieting is bad for your skin because you end up becoming deficient in key nutrients which can loosen the skin’s elasticity causing it to sag. Stick to a sensible eating plan and incorporate a rainbow diet – that’s a minimum of five a day fruit and vegies in an array of colours including red peppers, apricots, pink grapefruit and tomatoes
4. All hail the mighty kale
This amazing superfood contains a photochemical called lutein which helps to make the skin more resistant to sunlight. It’s also crammed full of Vitamin K which can
help eliminate the appearance of dark circles, blotchiness and uneven skin tone
5. Snack attack
Before reaching for the biscuit barrel, wait 10 minutes and ask yourself if you are really hungry. I find that eating an apple and drinking a glass of water 30 minutes
before your meal will help fill you up and make you less likely to pick during the day and over eat at meal times

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