Friday, September 20, 2013

The Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotic DietThe diet:


The low-down:

More of an approach to life than just a diet, the Macrobiotic methodology is about eating in tune with your body, the seasons and your local environment to enhance your health and the planet. Followers learn to become aware of the true effects of food on health in ‘balancing' your body.

The how-to:

- You basically follow a vegan diet with some seafood and lots of wholegrain cereals (all of which should be organically grown and unprocessed).
- Roughly 25-30% of your meals should be made up of seasonal veggies, 5-10% beans and the rest nuts, local fruits and soups such as Miso.
- Cooking should be done by steaming or sautéing (never in a microwave).
- Diet guidelines are unique to each individual based on their age, sex, activities and climate around them.

The good:

- Dieters become very aware of where foods come from and their effects on the body.   - It's very eco-friendly as locally sourced foods will have a low carbon footprint.
- It has the potential to strengthen your immune system, protect against cardiovascular disease, aid better sleep and, of course, help you lose weight (though this is not the sole purpose of the diet).

The bad:

Alcohol and caffeine are strictly forbidden. The food you're allowed to eat is very limited and specific. It can therefore be hard if you don't have lots of time to devote. It could become too restrictive so that it lacks some essential nutrients.

The followers:

Macrobiotic celebrities include eco couple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin and their best pal Madonna. Of course where they go others follow and the diet's becoming increasingly popular worldwide with self-sufficiency and locally produced, organic food now becoming so trendy.

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