Friday, September 20, 2013

Celebrity fast weight loss before and after

Jennifer HudsonJennifer Hudson

The singer turned Oscar-winning star was famed for her full figure until she shrunk a staggering 80 pounds from a size 18 to a size 6. After having her son in 2009 she said, ‘When I was pregnant, I was like, 'Man, I was wearing the same clothes I was wearing before I was pregnant.' This was the motivation she needed to sign up to Weight Watchers and slim the slow, sensible and sustainable way. Bravo girl – she looks beautiful.

Kelly OsbourneKelly Osbourne

Kelly’s dramatic drop in dress size was one of the most famous in history – and it’s not surprising, she shed a whopping three stone. One of her slimming secrets was to nibble on half an apple before bed each night. But she also credits appearing on Dancing With The Stars in the States. ‘Ever since the show, I've tried to get in at least a half hour of cardio a day - nothing too crazy,’ she said.

Coleen RooneyColeen Rooney

From school girl to style icon Coleen has transformed dramatically over the years, and so has her figure. After having son, Kyle, the WAG embarked on a super strict exercise and diet regime including factoring in some hard core work outs comprising of weights, floor exercises, running and swimming with her personal trainer Elise Lindsay. And doesn’t she look brilliant in her bikini for it?

Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones
As she shed the British soap star tag to become one of Hollywood’s elite, Catherine also shed a considerable amount of weight. After having her daughter Carys six years ago she signed up for a tough dance-based routine inspired by her hit film Chicago. Following this she keeps in shape with lots of fast paced routines.

Kirstie AlleyKirstie Alley

The American star is no stranger to gaining and loosing the pounds, but this time round she seems to have cracked it! She attributes her recent weight loss of 60 pounds to her own weight loss programme, Organic Liason that features a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. Kirstie also owes her weight loss to a stint on Dancing With The Stars without it.’

Jennifer EllisonJennifer Ellison

Calendar Girls actress, Jennifer put on four stone during her pregnancy seeing the petite size 8 actress go up to a size 18. In her latest role in the West End play the star has to strip off. She shed the weight and got ready for the part via weight loss company All About Weight, whose winning formula includes personal mentoring and help from a local consultant who had also been overweight.

Jessica SimpsonJessica Simpson

Yo yo dieter Jessica has sex appeal by the bucket load so whatever her size she looks fab, but we can’t help but admire her dedication to dieting. For her first initial bout of weight loss Jess followed the South Beach Diet. This year, ahead of her forth coming nuptials the singer and fashion designer enlisted the skills of celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson who’s been putting her through her paces.

Mischa BartonMischa Barton

Pear-shaped Mischa has been attacked for her weight in the past, whatever her weight she can’t help but ooze glam. To help regain her slimmer figure the actress enjoyed toning workouts in the form of Pilates and yoga and cut back on fatty foods. She also credited her travels as helping her weight loss, ‘My time in India and Paris really just helped me lose a little bit of weight but there's nothing drastic going on!’

Renee ZellwegerRenee Zellweger

For the role of Bridget Jones Renee had to gain two stone and she did that by tucking into pizza, doughnuts and beer. Following the filming she slimmed straight back to her original size by tucking into a microbiotic diet of lean fish, rice and vegetables. She also endured two-hours with a personal trainer every day.

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